"When I see you in my dreams, you're always little."

My friend Miss Charming Melodee made two beautiful little kites with neon colors. She was inspired by a woman she saw making them in Berlin. We flew them out by the river last night. The heart-shaped one had a really good ride. At one point the two swooped and spun around each other. Passers-by on the pier were amused, confused, but somehow no one got tangled up (in blue). I said I felt like we were kids, flying kites after dinner. She agreed, but said this time we were big and the kites were small. Miss Charming Melodee gave me the heart-shaped one to take home to Wally. I started to walk home along the river, but it was dark by then and it began to seem like there was nobody out there walking but me, so I cut over to Broadway, and took the 1 train home.


  1. Wow, your friend is named Miss Charming Melodee...that's amazing! The title of this post is beautiful, so evocative...it makes you stop and imagine.

  2. have to credit my friend Sugar Bear's mom with that one -- didn't know how to, or if I should, attribute (SB and her mom both private people, tho SB did save someone's life which is where she got her nickname...from the Elton John song) -- so I left it in quotes without attribution. Anyway, a few years ago SB's mom told her "When I see you in my dreams, you're always little." It's always stayed with me. Feels like the beginning or end of a short story. Like you say, it's so evocative, it captures so much, makes your throat hurt.

  3. Exactly. Makes your throat hurt in a way that few things do. Interesting how some things bring tears but not throat hurt.


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