
We haven't made many changes to the apartment, but Wally did a little redecorating last night.


  1. Not exactly what I was picturing when I said "YPost more often."

  2. So guys should market these. Don't you think the "I'm getting my children their own business cards" set would just adore this? What-oh....process, you say? What's that? Did Wally sing while drawing? Memies sings while drawing on the shower tiles, "Low ah low ah low ah low." So much Low a Lowing that she now asks for the shower crayons by saying "Where's Low-ah-low?"

  3. But I really mean it that it's beautiful. Drop dead gorgeous, like the glory and anger and depth and joy of a good Pollock seen in person. I'm dreading the dawn of representation.

  4. Wow, I love it! It's really quite sophisticated formally. You should hire him out!

  5. I like his use of red. So vibrant. Love it and am sorely tempted to let my own redesign our toilet seat.


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