Let's Hope They Can

...and get our kids outside as much as possible...with pens and nature journals (i.e., cheap notebooks from the dollar store) always on hand. 

Can Poets Save the Parks?


  1. "Over the last three years, Republicans have filed more than 40 bills or amendments to remove or greatly diminish protections for parks and public lands. The latest is a plan, led by Representative Rob Bishop, Republican of Utah, to determine the fate of 18 million acres." This is as heartbreaking as the rising gun violence.

    But--Gary Snyder! One of my favorites, and I haven't read him in so long...

    "Walked the hills for a day,
    looked out where it all drops away,
    discovered a path
    of carved stone inscriptions tucked into the sagebrush

    “Stomp out greed”
    “The best things in life are not things”

    words placed by an old desert sage."

  2. Oh thank you Sarah for that Syder quote - I always read *about* him as he's a darling (naturally) of the eco-critical crowd but I've rarely read his stuff, shamefully. Thanks for this. Especially heartening in the face of shrinking parks...


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