Sensible Gun Control

If you're opposed to any reasonable gun control at all-even limits on buying assault weapons--and you're not absolutely insane--what are your ideas? Because we're getting a little desperate here. We all agree about strengthening our mental health system. We all know Good Guy with a Gun theory is deeply flawed. About The 2nd Amendment, I think Rolling Stone said it best:
"Here's a good time to remind everyone that the Second Amendment was written by slaveholders before we had electricity, much less the kind of weaponry that would-be murderers can buy today. But sure, if you think it's that precious, we can compromise: If you love the Second Amendment that much, feel free to live in a powdered wig and shit in a chamberpot while trying to survive off what you can kill with an 18th century musket. In exchange, let those of us living in this century pass some laws so we can feel safe going to class, or the movies, or anywhere without worrying that some maladjusted man will try to get his revenge by raining death on random strangers."
Right now, someone convicted of a violent hate crime can still legally buy a gun. Right now, someone prohibited from buying a gun can still purchase one online or at a gun show, no background check required. Right now, suspected terrorists can still legally buy a gun. In fact, reports show the Orlando shooter was twice put on the terror watch list by the FBI. [1]
Congress is considering legislation that could close these dangerous loopholes that arm hateful people, and we need to call on them to finally act. Sign our petition calling on Congress to #DisarmHate and prevent dangerous people from buying guns.


  1. About 90% of Americans favor universal background checks; after Sandy Hook, congress still refused to institute those checks.
    Assault weapons, 100-bullet magazines—there is no legitimate case for them. They are useful only for mayhem and mass murder.
    These issues cannot be legitimately debated as those in favor vs. opposed to gun-safety. If you oppose universal background checks and a ban on weapons of war, then you are an accessory to murder.

  2. Yes! Pardon my French, but I am so f---g annoyed with the state of affairs in this country! The NRA has bought almost all of our Republican senators. Hopefully in November, Hillary will win & we will regain control of Congress. A thin sliver of hope, but hope nonetheless.

  3. Thank you Hawkeye & Bearette for weighing in. I too am so furious. If Hawkeye's numbers are correct, why do debates seem to proliferate after these tragedies? Are we participating in part of the distracting side-show by debating anything at all? What can be done to put pressure on Congress or do we just wait with fingers crossed for November?

  4. I think the NRA basically has a stranglehold on the GOP senators...e.g., they gave Paul Ryan $35K last year...they also gave someone $80K....some progressive guru, Ivan Volsky, shared all the figures on's blatant bribery & I'm surprised it goes unchecked...but they control the house right now

  5. Sorry, Igor Volsky...I might have said Ivan before. He has all the stats...50 GOP senators voted in favor of letting suspected terrorists (like the Orlando shooter) buy guns...Ted Cruz got $65K from the NRA, etc. Hillary is on board with universal background checks, etc...

  6. Senator Thomas Tillis got $2.5 million in expenditures from the NRA & voted against making it harder for terrorists to get guns...I'll stop ranting now but this is what we are up against.

  7. It's unbelievable. I can't wrap my head around it. Thanks for the facts and stats...I don't consider it a rant at all Bearette. I appreciate it.

  8. Succinct, powerful truth right here. I have no idea how anyone can support or defend the sale of assault rifles, weapons of mass destruction. The Rolling Stone excerpt is the perfect rebuttal to those who cry "Second Amendment," as if none of our laws have ever been reconsidered or revised. As discussed in previous comments, the issue is a bought Congress. In 2012, I worked for a corporation with offices less a mile from Sandy Hook Elementary School. Our annual holiday party was in swing when the shootings began. When police first arrived on the scene, there was so much destruction, they believed there was a second shooter who'd escaped. Our office went into lockdown, as did all area businesses, as police searched for the second shooter. We all know how the story ends. With a single shooter who was able to cause mass destruction in mere minutes because he was operating an assault rifle. If Congress was not moved to action by the death of 5-year old children, it's difficult to imagine they will be moved by anything else. But I hope this last horrific tragedy in Orlando will effect change.

  9. Thanks :) And I hope so looks like the Democrats in the Senate are trying various things now, a filibuster, etc. Hopefully it will be effective, and I am definitely holding out hope for November.

  10. Chris Murphy's filibuster was successful...they are going to have a vote on universal background checks & closing the terror gap

  11. Hallelujah! Finally...just the beginning...but it's *something* - thanks Bearette for the happy update.

  12. Was great to see Sen Chris Murphy and the Dems #holdthefloor last night!


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