Super-Soakers hanging on the livingroom wall

I've had at least five people tell me the reason they wouldn't want to comment here is that it's searchable by Google. My question is -- why is that a problem? I don't mean that in a mocking way like grow some balls or something. I don't mean it in the way Margaret and I would wonder why our friends wouldn't join us singing and dancing to "I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair" on the steps of China Ruby. I'm just really curious as to why. Is it that prospective employers might find it? Potential future husbands, wives, sperm donors? And if they were to find it, what would be the problem then? I think this may be one of the many things I missed in How To Grow Up to Pass for a Normal, Semi-Functional Adult in 21st-Century America. Then again my parents had a super-soaker hanging the livingroom wall for a large part of my childhood and the most valuable piece of art we had was the 6-foot poster of a Coca-Cola bottle taped up in the kitchen. Which is why I know I should like the movie A Thousand Clowns but I just can never get past that interminable interview with the social workers. I do, however, love that opening scene where the boy reads aloud the job listings and Jason Robards says, "Are those the want ads or the obits?" Oh man, I can't believe I didn't put this on the noncompliment list (and there are so many more I still have to post). Grow up! A freshman girl once said that to Margaret and I when we were seniors and we were just floored, horrified.


  1. ahahahahaha "searchable by Google". I agree with you: so what. Are we running for Congress here? Your blog is great! The "totally uncensored" ship has sailed for me too tho": i was a big mouth and told my whole family when i started mine. Do regret and again i toy with opening a second anonymous one......

    Keep it up!

  2. Maybe you have nothing to lose...

  3. I have to admit that I get slightly annoyed at anonymous comments.

  4. People like stuff like "Tyler ate his first piece of apple pie today". You'll get more Joe the Plumber types. They're usually the types that comment anyway.

    Not the same Anon as above

  5. terrified for my career. and the permanence of the web.

  6. I have to admit that I do like a candid, honest confession from Anonymous.

  7. Some of us don't like being so exposed...I don't want my every thought on display. No running for Congress....I just like maintaining an ounce of privacy...

  8. I think that unless you are a complete loon with major oversharing issues, most of us have some sort of a line with what we will publish. Some of us go farther than others, some have a really short distance between acceptable and way to private to share. It's the same in real world where even though words may be on the tip of your tongue, something holds you back. Sense of decorum perhaps (my old headmaster's favourite saying). Or maybe they're just w#nkers who think too highly of themselves.

  9. I love that your parents had that supersoaker up. I had forgotten all about that, but once I was reminded I got a warm, fuzzy feeling. You and your family are deeply cool, Rachel. I really mean that.

  10. Oh, and if I didn't join you and Margaret with that singing on the steps of the Chin-Rub, it was likely more cuz I never learned the words to that song. And also cuz it was more fun to watch you two than to join in.


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