Lake Life

Not a bad temporary office here in the Poconos. That's a lake through the window! Sun just came out after rain and clouds all day. Kids at the pool. Mom making pasta behind me. Making notes for designer of Writers' Boot Camp and answering copyediting queries now. (Usually these shots feature a drink of some kind. Maybe I'll get one. Plastic IKEA kids cups in the background not exactly setting the right tone.) I love how the world comes alive when the sun finally breaks through in the afternoon. How you hear children shouting from far away. See bike riders and dog walkers and people back out on their porches. 


  1. I was just thinking of Writer's Boot Camp yesterday and how you must be immersed in working on it. Your temporary office looks wonderful, kids cups and all. I've never been to the Poconos and always wanted to visit. I love the image of the sun breaking through and everyone emerging. Hopefully the work feels that way too! :)

  2. The comment I posted here last week seems to have slipped into the ether. I loved this picture of your temporary office and the image of the sun breaking through and everyone emerging. I'd also been thinking of Writers' Boot Camp the day before you posted this and was wondering how it was going. Such an exciting project!

  3. Thank you Sarah. It rained so much in the Poconos. Dramatic storms. Then bright, bright sun. It's so nice of you to remember Writer's Boot Camp (it had always been plural as you wrote it, but recently changed to singular, Writer's). I'm in the last, desperate stages now, answering editor queries, consulting with design. I'm excited about it. In the meantime though I need to get some other projects out the door.


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