Yours kids on homework

From Salon -- Homework is Wrecking Our Kids. The title may be a bit melodramatic, but important data here nonetheless about the destructiveness of homework. It's more than just pointless at the elementary school level, it's a net loss. "Non-academic priorities (good sleep, family relationships and active playtime) are vital for balance and well-being. They also directly impact a child’s memory, focus, behavior and learning potential. Elementary lessons are reinforced every day in school. After-school time is precious for the rest of the child."


  1. I saw this yesterday and almost sent it to you!! I knew you would appreciate it. Same wavelength :)

  2. Holly! Yes - same wavelength! And lots of good signs lately re: curbing the runaway high-stakes testing campaigns, too.

  3. Wow. So true! And once you get to middle school/high school, it seems to spiral out of control. You can have all of your teachers pile you down with homework so that all you're doing is homework.

  4. I remember finding it so grueling in middle and high school more than more than 20 years ago! It's hard to imagine that it's gotten even worse.

  5. Here's another article-

  6. Thanks Holly I will check it out now.

  7. I hope this sensible approach catches on! Thanks for the link.

  8. You're welcome...thank you for your interest Gretchen.


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