Crossing off one thing

You know those days where you stop trying to do something really grand and stop searching for a breakthrough and stop worrying about all the zillion nagging tasks you have to do and the little time you have to do them and stop with outrageous, fake hurdles like: Okay, I'm going to get through this entire folder of papers or I'm going to write an entire draft of this article or I'm going to blast through like 40 things on the list and INSTEAD you sit down and open a document and quietly get to work on one task and move through it without too many distractions, only checking email once, say, and HuffPo not at all, and how it's so satisfying to just chop wood and carry water?  


  1. This is so true. Sit back and do what needs to be done, one day at a time. Less stress and more completed work! Hugs...

  2. This post carried me through all of last week. I'd been in a spinning state of searching for a breakthrough, then a week of the "zillion nagging tasks" leading up to the holiday. This week I will try to resist the "outrageous, fake hurdles." Always so many of those! There is a thread I want to follow; the end of an essay that I think may actually be the beginning. I will chop wood and carry water. Thank you for the beautifully stated wisdom.

  3. Cheerful, encouraging comments on this rainy Monday morning. Thank you. The end of the essay that may actually be the beginning...I'm facing/embracing that now too...feels promising...I don't know who originally said that about wood and water: "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." I think I first heard it through the Van Morrison song.


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