I haven't even heard (from my sister!) about the protests last week re: Cuomo's disastrous education proposals but in the meantime I just heard about this school on East 33rd that is no longer giving out homework!


  1. Yes, I heard about that too! I think the parents are protesting?

  2. What would they be protesting? There is no research to support homework, in fact the data shows that it can have a negative effect on academic success.

  3. It was a snippet on Facebook about parents protesting. Those particular parents probably just want their kids to have homework? I dunno. You know Manhattan can be a rat race.

  4. Absolutely! But this reminds me of the anti-vax movement - it's people who claim to have done all kinds of research that makes them better informed than the experts who have devoted their lives to it (medicine on the one hand, education on the other). Infuriating to me. Those parents should use their energy to protest the high-stakes testing that is taking time away from learning! Ugh!


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