Homemade Valentines, Gratitude, and the Green Triangle

Thought this was worth reposting. 


  1. I love this! We walk our neighbor to the bus two days a week. She showed up this past Thursday with her bag full of store bought valentines and baggies of candies for all her 1st grade classmates (and one each for my boys). I though, "Oh my God, imagine the amount of candy those kids will come home with today. Yet another thing that I am happy to avoid with home schooling." Reading that sight however, put a whole different spin on things. Wouldn't it be nice if that were the standard. Thanks for passing that article along.

  2. Yes - it's wonderful, isn't it? I know!! The candy that kids come home with these days --on Valentine's, Halloween, almost any occasion. You're definitely avoiding a lot of insanity by homeschooling.

  3. So did W make his valentines? I love how time is not on the green triangle.

  4. He did make Valentines for classmates, teachers and Grandma's...but not as thoughtfully as the people in this article...I really love this idea. Will try for next year


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