Urban Garden

We are starting again from scratch, with growing carrot tops. 


  1. Wait...how does that work? Does it root?

  2. Okay well I am only basing this on random blogs written by random people...but supposedly it does. And then you can grow the plants but unfortunately no carrots. Wally set the little saucer down near the window and said, "Now we'll have lots of carrots!" Ummm, Not exactly...

    Here's one for example:


  3. Bizarre! I think carrots grow pretty readily from seed. If W is getting into gardening - you can get a "grow" lamp and then everyone will think you are growing MJ - i got one this year and it is working really well!

  4. Hah!! Hilarious. Where is the grow lamp? Yeah, I'm not sure why I'm insisting on the carrot top idea. Just that we've had not much luck with seeds so far. Maybe it's all the pollution, or bad soil. I don't know.

  5. you have to get the right soil mixture - light and fluffy. Also what helps is if you put saran wrap over the top to keep it moist and hot and the seeds will sprout right away. The problem is getting the seedlings to keep growing - that is where the grow lamp comes in! Just a halogen bulb a few cm away from the plant. Maybe I'll bring some seedlings in June when I come!

  6. That'd be so much fun! I didn't know about saran. That's what we'll do. It's probably the (somewhat) cold air coming in at night by the windowsill. Wally just suggested growing popcorn and it looks (according to random blogs by random people) like you can

  7. Update April 26: It didn't work. Again. Wally says, "We'll try again. And if that doesn't work we'll try again. And if that doesn't work..."


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